Orange NAACP Youth and College Division

Building For The Future


NAACP Youth and College Division is a courageous generation of intelligent, militant and effective youth leaders creating a world for all people to thrive.

The mission of the NAACP Youth & College Division shall be to inform youth of the problems affecting African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities; to advance the economic, education, social and political status of African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities and their harmonious cooperation with other peoples; to stimulate an appreciation of the African Diaspora and other people of color’s contribution to civilization; and to develop an intelligent, militant effective youth leadership.


The  Education  Committee  works  to  ensure  that  have  access to  equal  and a high  quality public education  by promoting school  resource equit and promoting  parent  engagement. We work to improve the  effectiveness , accountability and accessibility of the  Orange County  School System. 
Scholarship  Committee 


The Scholarship Committee is  formed to oversee  the  branch’s annual  NAACP  Scholarship  program and to ensure the  timely  and  fair  distribution of Scholarship  funds to active youth members. 

Ernestine Reid -Youth Director
Orange NAACP Youth and College Division