Complaint Form

Legal Redress

The function of the Legal Redress Committee is to:

Acknowledge receipt of all complaints in a timely fashion;
Investigate all cases that have been identified as discriminatory;
Provide support to complainants which may include, but is not limited to:
Providing information that complainants can use to address or remedy their situation
Facilitating/participating in meetings
Writing emails or letters
Referring for legal services
Monitor all litigation in which the branch is interested; and
Keep the conference informed on the progress of every case.

The Legal Redress Committee (LRC) shall not give legal advice

Please note, if the incident leading to your complaint occurred outside of Orange County, you will need to contact the chapter located in the county in which the incident occurred. Incidents that occur outside of Orange County are not within in jurisdiction so we will not be able to assist you.

Are you a member of the NAACP Orange County Branch

Have you filed a lawsuit?

Have you retained an attoryney regarding this case?

Have you filed a grievance with a governmental agency?

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